Dec 29, 2014

Missing your presence

Office kept open
Customers coming in
It is as it was before
But what is making me so depressed?
Why am I so sad?
It is her presence
It is she who is missing
Her charming face
Dark eyes and childish smile
You left your place leaving your PC
And your cell phone lying on the table
All looks meaningless without you
Where are you girl?
Why did you left me?
Did love hurt?
Or is it delayed in telling?
What is it my little dark eyes?
I have thousand questions to be answered
Where are you?
Life is too short
And we are not immortals
Where are you princess
Where are you?

Dec 24, 2014

Does mama know how important is the toy of 10 rupee to her kid?

Does mama know how important is the toy of 10 rupee to her kid?
Does she know the value of it beyond 10 rupees?
Does she know how much her little once loved that toy?
Those little acts with love matters much in life?
After all the life is too short   to come and smile for the same pic
Coz the wedding you attended happened only once
And the people who were present lived only once
That little pic of mine with my little dark eyes next to me
Why did I lose it?
Where should I find it?
My little dark eyes did you do it?
Did you?

In the eyes of a child

In the eyes of a child, I see you
in its cutest smile, I remember you
you are the most beautiful girl on earth  
You are the princes of pure hearts
you are the river flowing free
you are the bird flaying high
you shall not be captured
you shall never be owned
hey girl with the dark eyes
I found myself in your eyes
you are thee you are thee  

Dec 21, 2014

Girl with the dark eyes

Girl with the dark eyes and charming face
so active so curious like a child
ever since I saw her
I lost my self and found in her eyes
Girl with the dark eyes
when seen from my eyes
my heart fills with joy
I lose my identity
I know she loses her too
and I experience oneself in her

Girl with the dark eyes
never letting me sleep
day and night I feel Her presence in me
I lost my self and found in herself
she is so cute, so childish
being with her is the ultimate joy

Girl with the dark eyes
being eldest sister in her family
younger to me youngest in the office
Girl with the dark eyes
never letting me sleep
never letting me do anything
but to think of her eyes
Girl with the dark eyes
beautiful when she cries
striking when she stares at me
she taught me to smile
girl with the dark eyes
younger to me eldest in her heart