It was almost 7 years, since my last painting was drawn..!
People always said to me “Don’t waste your time in painting, it won’t fill
your stomach”
But I still remember my high school drawing teacher was a great attraction
for us.
He was very simple and happier than any other teachers in the school
And he could fill his children’s stomach too.
Today I wanted to draw again!!
Not to change my carrier, but for time travel!
"Let me travel back in time..!
Let me see those friends of mine!
Let me draw again with my teacher!"
I went and purchased 7 colors.
Then I sat and imagined a green beautiful landscape.
And this is what I could able to color for time being.
Truly there is a great happiness in this art.
It’s like watching your dream coming true.
Seeing your imagination in front of you.
Hope you dream this dream.