“In the deep down the pit he cries
But there is none to hear his screams.
They search, they shout, they wander all around
But all stand above the ground
It is the tomb of Barnad and his bones scattered
Struggling above the grave
Unable to breathe speechless to shout
Immovable are the hands, unreachable to legs
So narrow is the ditch, Darkness all around
Starving to death”
“Who put me here?
Where was I before?”
He shouts...
“Get up, its time”
He could hear a sweat voice
“Yes its havani” Aditya shouts and she pours water on his face. It was the Monday morning he was still on his bed. “So horrible was the dream” he says. “I know” she replies, pouring some more water on his head. “Get up adhi it’s already late, we have a long way to go” havani reminds.
ಕಾಡು,ಪ್ರಾಣಿ,ಪಕ್ಷಿಗಳು.... Computerಗಳು, Artificial Intelligenceಗಳು.. ಹಾರುವ ತಟ್ಟೆ-ಲೋಟಗಳು ಇನ್ನೂ ಏನೇನೊ....!! ತೋಚಿದ್ದು ಗೀಚಿದ್ದು.
Jun 30, 2014
ಜೀವನ ಮಂತ್ರ
ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಿತು ಯಂತ್ರ
[machine, body]
ಬೊಮ್ಮ ತುಂಬಿದನದಕೆ ತಂತ್ರ [software,
brain] [creation: Brahma]
ಕುತಂತ್ರ [virus, evil thoughts]
ಬರೆದ ಕುತಂತ್ರಕ್ಕೊಂದು ತಂತ್ರ [Antivirus] [sustenance:
ತುಂಬೆಲ್ಲ ಹರಡಲು ಕುತಂತ್ರ [virus
attack, material thoughts]
ಯಂತ್ರದ ತಂತ್ರ [format,
death] [destruction: Shiva]
ಇದುವೆ ಜೀವನ ಮಂತ್ರ [Formula
of life, software development]
Jun 29, 2014
Untitled: Missing pages 4
After a long ride finally they made it to the village chakubuki. It takes another five narrow curves down the hill to reach milestone which reads chakubhuki 0 KM. As they stand at the top of the hill and chakubhuki is visible from the top they were confident enough to get down and see the bird view of the beautiful village lighted in the night, and to breathe some fresh air.
Houses are seems to be very few in chakubhuki so is the population of that small settlement. Transportation is little difficult in the narrow roads which appears to be a snake rolled up to the hill having its extremity at chakubhuki. “Live long those who built it” said havani.
They sat little longer than expected, being little relief for their exhausted body they start walking down the hill taking to each other.
“We would have left little earlier” says somu.
“It was abhi who came late after playing” complains adhi.
Abhi yells “No... Not me... it was you sleeping all day”
Everybody laughs at her temper. Which was quite vanished when meeting with crowcat.
They laughs at each other for what has happed on the way and their bravery.
Aditya: “someone is standing with the lamp isn’t it?”
“Yea it’s my brother, he has come to take all of us”
He is sugun, somus elder brother married few years ago and lives with his lovely wife and two kids at chakubhuki village. And works in his paddy fields and makes his happy living. Abhi explains what happed on the way in her sweet voice. Sugun warns not to ride in the night without elders accompany. He enquires his father’s health and somu's studies.
Dogs start barking as they enters the wooden gate. Sugun calls their names “tinku tinku.. kuntu kuntu” and pets them. “somu anna.. “ shouts the kid standing beside his mother. And the suguns wife goes inside and brings a bucket of warm water to wash their foot. It is a cute little babe she is carrying in other hand. Havani receives the baby with a great pleasure. Dinner was already arranged as they arrived late it was heated and served by sugun’s wife.
As soon as having the food abhi goes to sleep as they were tierd travelling somu and adhi stays awake for while planning tomorrow and goes to sleep. (And here going me to sleep)
Houses are seems to be very few in chakubhuki so is the population of that small settlement. Transportation is little difficult in the narrow roads which appears to be a snake rolled up to the hill having its extremity at chakubhuki. “Live long those who built it” said havani.
They sat little longer than expected, being little relief for their exhausted body they start walking down the hill taking to each other.
“We would have left little earlier” says somu.
“It was abhi who came late after playing” complains adhi.
Abhi yells “No... Not me... it was you sleeping all day”
Everybody laughs at her temper. Which was quite vanished when meeting with crowcat.
They laughs at each other for what has happed on the way and their bravery.
Aditya: “someone is standing with the lamp isn’t it?”
“Yea it’s my brother, he has come to take all of us”
He is sugun, somus elder brother married few years ago and lives with his lovely wife and two kids at chakubhuki village. And works in his paddy fields and makes his happy living. Abhi explains what happed on the way in her sweet voice. Sugun warns not to ride in the night without elders accompany. He enquires his father’s health and somu's studies.
Dogs start barking as they enters the wooden gate. Sugun calls their names “tinku tinku.. kuntu kuntu” and pets them. “somu anna.. “ shouts the kid standing beside his mother. And the suguns wife goes inside and brings a bucket of warm water to wash their foot. It is a cute little babe she is carrying in other hand. Havani receives the baby with a great pleasure. Dinner was already arranged as they arrived late it was heated and served by sugun’s wife.
As soon as having the food abhi goes to sleep as they were tierd travelling somu and adhi stays awake for while planning tomorrow and goes to sleep. (And here going me to sleep)
Jun 28, 2014
Untitled: Missing pages 3
Now that havis dynamo light goes down. The little light from the crescent moon struggled through the tree trunks is what assures the presence of crowcat. The warmth of the tar road might tell them “you’re not alone” but the silence in which the forest is in reminds them the aloofness. The only options adhi has is to wait and watch until the creature crosses the road but for their astonishment it is not moving anywhere.
3 minutes passed they stood where they were. Absolute silence, suddenly abhis toy watch stated beeping! Somu went on to stop it, his bicycle fell down making a clatter!
“Fall back, somu fall back” shouted adhi.
Within a blink they see crowcat running towards them, their heart was almost immobile and stunned. Confused, horrified there was no choice except of survival. It was havi shouted louder than abhi. They ran in reverse leaving their bicycles apart. Abhi was unable to make it havi dragged her with fear “mummy.. mummy..” this is how little one started crying they all stopped at a distant far and when they looked back it was gone.
Somu: “where is it havi?”
“Might have gone left”
“Down the hill” answered abhi.
Havi was still exhaling rapidly, they kneed down for a while and made a confirmation that it has gone for sure. They were holding each other’s hand adhi was at the front with the stick. They approached their bicycles for their amazement crowcat had not even come close to it. Then what was it? Was it really chased them or was it a Hallucinations? There were four who witnessed could not be a delusion!
Somu lifted his bicycle the head light was broken. And the rear break was misplaced it took them another 20 minutes to repair them they did it after walking a mile. Who wants to meet the creature again right!
Time was running, quiet few miles to go. They headed straight with the doubled speed. Somu has to follow havani as his head light was blinking. Little one was little confidence as somu is riding behind her.
3 minutes passed they stood where they were. Absolute silence, suddenly abhis toy watch stated beeping! Somu went on to stop it, his bicycle fell down making a clatter!
“Fall back, somu fall back” shouted adhi.
Within a blink they see crowcat running towards them, their heart was almost immobile and stunned. Confused, horrified there was no choice except of survival. It was havi shouted louder than abhi. They ran in reverse leaving their bicycles apart. Abhi was unable to make it havi dragged her with fear “mummy.. mummy..” this is how little one started crying they all stopped at a distant far and when they looked back it was gone.
Somu: “where is it havi?”
“Might have gone left”
“Down the hill” answered abhi.
Havi was still exhaling rapidly, they kneed down for a while and made a confirmation that it has gone for sure. They were holding each other’s hand adhi was at the front with the stick. They approached their bicycles for their amazement crowcat had not even come close to it. Then what was it? Was it really chased them or was it a Hallucinations? There were four who witnessed could not be a delusion!
Somu lifted his bicycle the head light was broken. And the rear break was misplaced it took them another 20 minutes to repair them they did it after walking a mile. Who wants to meet the creature again right!
Time was running, quiet few miles to go. They headed straight with the doubled speed. Somu has to follow havani as his head light was blinking. Little one was little confidence as somu is riding behind her.
Jun 27, 2014
Untitled: Missing pages 2
“Adi, we have come a long way”
“Yes, we are Havi”
“It’s almost 2 hours since we left bridge, we should have crossed Chanamma Lake by this time!”
“Don’t you think we are lost?”
“Yes adi, she is right, I first doubted when we made to take that u turn near the neem tree”
“Why didn’t you say somu? What shall we do now? Going back is not easy, it’s already dark”
“Hey adi, my GPS says we could connect to the same road if we peddle 10 miles east by taking the next narrow mud road which will be two miles from now”
“Ok havi you go first, I and somu will follow you”
It was almost night they could not see a single person walking on the way. They doubted their choice, abhi started crying.
“Abhi I told you to go with your mom, why you stayed back home with me? Now don’t cry, next time I will not take you anywhere”
“Adi I saw something”
“What is that abhi?”
Every one joins their chorus
“It was eyes! Staring at me”
The little girl continues to cry pointing her finger at the white rock near the big tree now she rises her voice louder than earlier. Havani warns her not to look around, and imagine anything. They decided to move faster till they reach somus elder brothers house which was 20 miles away from the village where they supposed to halt tonight.
Along the way abhi pointed many rocks many strange creatures nevertheless they decided not to stop anywhere. It was the crossing of the ‘crowcat’ which made their heart to stop for a while. Crowcat is a very strange creatures and always a rare sight to the people. Which talks like men, nobody knows its language nobody understands it. What if it knows human language? It was a question unanswered.
It was almost half a mile away crowcat was crossing the road it stood still at the mid of the road staring at the dynamo light which was still glowing from the havanis cycle. Abhi had her mouth shut by ‘havani’ and advised not cry. “Let that crowcat pass she said” from the far sight it was it was only the illuminating eyes of crowcat which was visible. If one could watch it in details then the blood marks on its mouth is seen. It was almost like a human except black hair on the body and the hands which were used to walk some times.
“Yes, we are Havi”
“It’s almost 2 hours since we left bridge, we should have crossed Chanamma Lake by this time!”
“Don’t you think we are lost?”
“Yes adi, she is right, I first doubted when we made to take that u turn near the neem tree”
“Why didn’t you say somu? What shall we do now? Going back is not easy, it’s already dark”
“Hey adi, my GPS says we could connect to the same road if we peddle 10 miles east by taking the next narrow mud road which will be two miles from now”
“Ok havi you go first, I and somu will follow you”
It was almost night they could not see a single person walking on the way. They doubted their choice, abhi started crying.
“Abhi I told you to go with your mom, why you stayed back home with me? Now don’t cry, next time I will not take you anywhere”
“Adi I saw something”
“What is that abhi?”
Every one joins their chorus
“It was eyes! Staring at me”
The little girl continues to cry pointing her finger at the white rock near the big tree now she rises her voice louder than earlier. Havani warns her not to look around, and imagine anything. They decided to move faster till they reach somus elder brothers house which was 20 miles away from the village where they supposed to halt tonight.
Along the way abhi pointed many rocks many strange creatures nevertheless they decided not to stop anywhere. It was the crossing of the ‘crowcat’ which made their heart to stop for a while. Crowcat is a very strange creatures and always a rare sight to the people. Which talks like men, nobody knows its language nobody understands it. What if it knows human language? It was a question unanswered.
It was almost half a mile away crowcat was crossing the road it stood still at the mid of the road staring at the dynamo light which was still glowing from the havanis cycle. Abhi had her mouth shut by ‘havani’ and advised not cry. “Let that crowcat pass she said” from the far sight it was it was only the illuminating eyes of crowcat which was visible. If one could watch it in details then the blood marks on its mouth is seen. It was almost like a human except black hair on the body and the hands which were used to walk some times.
Jun 26, 2014
Untitled: Missing pages 1
It was a Sunday Aditya and his friends had planned for a trip to murugan cave which was less known to the outside world. The tribes living down the hill of murugan cave new a little about the mystery of the cave. Many of them new only what was warned by their forefathers. The Sikka forest range is one of the oldest forest in the world, having the strange habitats and alien creatures is what common to this land. Giant trees are standing tall for many decades many of them whispers the story of the previous era and bridges the generations. “There are lands on earth in Sikka forest where the rays of sun not penetrated for centuries” Says Dr. Barnad, a biologist and extra-terrestrial invasion theorist who went missing resent past.
Aditya had read many of Barnads books. The last book of Barnad was literarily incomplete ‘Alien abduction and their foot prints mirror 2’ was a sequel to his mirror 1. Blue prints of mirror one remained unpublished and many of the work lost as Bernad himself disappeared. Bernad was divorced long back but still continued to work in the University of Celestial Studies where he had first met his partner Elisabeth. Today Elisabeth lives in a different city, she knows nothing of Bernad but mourns for him.
“What made Barnad go missing?” the question hunts Aditya. For the answer Aditya must read back those old collections for the names of those persons and places which has appeared repeatedly in Bernads works.
Today was chosen for the visit to murugan forest by Aditya, and his middle school friends. Soma and havani are always with him, ‘abhi’ is how Aditya calls to his little sister ‘abhinetry’, who has come out with Aditya. He had no option to leave her behind as there were none to look after. Soma was waiting at the old bridge, havani had come with water can, and a vessel to a place near their school where Aditya and his sister would come. At distant sight havani could see Aditya pedaling towards the school and abhi sitting behind. aditya brought the bag full of tools, which included hand notes to match box. They cross checked all their belongings on the bridge along with soma. Now that the sun was setting at the distant horizon they all headed to the north without delay. Along the way abhi chose to sit with Havani.
Aditya had read many of Barnads books. The last book of Barnad was literarily incomplete ‘Alien abduction and their foot prints mirror 2’ was a sequel to his mirror 1. Blue prints of mirror one remained unpublished and many of the work lost as Bernad himself disappeared. Bernad was divorced long back but still continued to work in the University of Celestial Studies where he had first met his partner Elisabeth. Today Elisabeth lives in a different city, she knows nothing of Bernad but mourns for him.
“What made Barnad go missing?” the question hunts Aditya. For the answer Aditya must read back those old collections for the names of those persons and places which has appeared repeatedly in Bernads works.
Today was chosen for the visit to murugan forest by Aditya, and his middle school friends. Soma and havani are always with him, ‘abhi’ is how Aditya calls to his little sister ‘abhinetry’, who has come out with Aditya. He had no option to leave her behind as there were none to look after. Soma was waiting at the old bridge, havani had come with water can, and a vessel to a place near their school where Aditya and his sister would come. At distant sight havani could see Aditya pedaling towards the school and abhi sitting behind. aditya brought the bag full of tools, which included hand notes to match box. They cross checked all their belongings on the bridge along with soma. Now that the sun was setting at the distant horizon they all headed to the north without delay. Along the way abhi chose to sit with Havani.
Jun 25, 2014
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Calendar
S.I | संस्कृतम् | English | ಕನ್ನಡ |
1 | रविवासर | Sunday | ಭಾನುವಾರ |
2 | सोमवासर | Monday | ಸೋಮವಾರ |
3 | मंगलवासर | Tuesday | ಮಂಗಳವಾರ |
4 | बुधवासर | Wednesday | ಬುಧವಾರ |
5 | गुरुवासर, बृहस्पतिवासरः | Thursday | ಗುರುವಾರ |
6 | शुक्रवासर | Friday | ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ |
7 | शनिवासर | Saturday | ಶನಿವಾರ |
S.I | संस्कृतम् | Indian | Gregorian | ಕನ್ನಡ |
1 | चैत्र | Chaitra | April–May | ಚೈತ್ರ |
2 | वैशाख | Vaisākha | May–June | ವೈಶಾಖ |
3 | ज्येष्ठ | Jyeshta | June–July | ಜ್ಯೇಷ್ಟ |
4 | आषाढ | Āshāda | July–August | ಆಷಾಡ |
5 | श्रावण | Shraavana | August–September | ಶ್ರಾವಣ |
6 | भाद्रपद | Bhādrapada | September–October | ಭಾದ್ರಪದ |
7 | आश्विन,अश्वयुज | Ashwina | October–November | ಆಶ್ವಯುಜ |
8 | कार्तिक | Kartika | November–December | ಜಕಾರ್ತಿಕ |
9 | मार्गशीर्ष,अग्रहायण | Mārgasirsa, Agrahayana | December–January | ಮಾರ್ಗಶೀರ್ಷ |
10 | पौष | Pausha | January–February | ಪುಷ್ಯ |
11 | माघ | Māgha | February–March | ಮಾಘ |
12 | फाल्गुन | Phālguna | March–April | ಫಾಲ್ಗುಣ |
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Solar System
S.I | English | संस्कृतम् | ಕನ್ನಡ |
1 | Sun | सूर्य | |
2 | Mercury | बुध | |
3 | Venus | शुक्र | |
4 | Earth | पृथ्वी, पृथिवी | |
5 | Moon | चंद्र | |
6 | Mars | मंगल | |
7 | Jupiter | गुरू, बृहस्पती | |
8 | Saturn | शनि | |
9 | Uranus | वासुकी, वासव | |
10 | Neptune | वरुण | |
11 | Pluto | कुबेर |
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Directions
S.I | Dir. | English | संस्कृतम् | ಕನ್ನಡ |
1 | E | East | प्राची Prachi / Purva | ಪೂರ್ವ |
2 | W | West | प्रतीची Pratichi / Paschim | ಪಶ್ಚಿಮ |
3 | N | North | उदीची Udichi / Uttar | ಉತ್ತರ |
4 | S | South | अवाचि Avachi/ Dakshin | ದಕ್ಷಿಣ |
5 | N-E | North-Est | ईशान Ishanya | ಈಶಾನ್ಯ |
6 | S-E | South-East | अग्नि Agneya | ಆಗ್ನೇಯ |
7 | S-W | South-West | नैऋत्य Nairutya | ನೈರುತ್ಯ |
8 | N-W | North-West | वायु Vayavya | ವಾಯುವ್ಯ |
9 | Z | Zenith | ऊर्ध्व Urdhwa/ Akash | ಊರ್ಧ್ವ |
10 | N | Nadir | अधरस्त Adharastha/ Patal | ಪಾತಾಳ |
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Alphabets
अ (a) आ (aa) इ (i) ई (ee) उ (u) ऊ (oo) ऋ (r) ॠ (r)
लृ (lr) ए (e) ऐ (ai) ओ (o) औ (au)
Anuswaara and Visarga
अं (am) अः (aha)
क (ka) ख (kha) ग (ga) घ (gha) ङ (nga)
च (cha) छ (chha) ज (ja) झ (jha) ञ (nja)
ट (ta) ठ (tha) ड (da) ढ (dha) ण (na)
त (ta) थ (tha) द (da) ध (dha) न (na)
प (pa) फ (pha) ब (ba) भ (bha) म (ma)
य (ya) र (ra) ल (la) व (va) श (sha) ष (sha) स (sh) ह (ha)
अ (a) आ (aa) इ (i) ई (ee) उ (u) ऊ (oo) ऋ (r) ॠ (r)
लृ (lr) ए (e) ऐ (ai) ओ (o) औ (au)
Anuswaara and Visarga
अं (am) अः (aha)
क (ka) ख (kha) ग (ga) घ (gha) ङ (nga)
च (cha) छ (chha) ज (ja) झ (jha) ञ (nja)
ट (ta) ठ (tha) ड (da) ढ (dha) ण (na)
त (ta) थ (tha) द (da) ध (dha) न (na)
प (pa) फ (pha) ब (ba) भ (bha) म (ma)
य (ya) र (ra) ल (la) व (va) श (sha) ष (sha) स (sh) ह (ha)
Jun 24, 2014
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Numbers
Index of power of ten | Value | English | संस्कृतम् | ಕನ್ನಡ |
0 | 1 | One | एक | ಒಂದು |
1 | 10 | Ten | दश | ಹತ್ತು |
2 | 100 | Hundred | शत | ಸಾವಿರ |
3 | 1000 | Thousand | सहस्र | ಹತ್ತು ಸಾವಿರ |
4 | 10,000 | Ten thousand | अयुत | ಲಕ್ಷ |
5 | 100,000 | Hundred thousand | लक्ष | ಹತ್ತು ಲಕ್ಷ |
6 | 1,000,000 | Million | प्रयुत | ಕೋಟಿ |
7 | 10,000,000 | Ten million | कोटि | ಹತ್ತು ಕೋಟಿ |
8 | 100,000,000 | Hundred nillion | अर्बुद | |
9 | 1000,000,000 | Billion / Gega | अब्ज | |
10 | 10,000.000,000 | Ten billion | खर्व | |
11 | 100,000.000,000 | Hundred billion | निखर्व | |
12 | 1000,000.000,000 | Trillion | महापद्म | |
13 | 10,000,000.000,000 | Ten Trillion | शङ्कु | |
14 | 100,000.000,000,000 | Hundred trillion | जलधि | |
15 | 1,000,000.000,000,000 | अन्त | ||
16 | 10,000,000.000,000,000 | मध्य | ||
17 | 100,000.000,000,000,000 | परार्ध |
Learn Sanskrit: Lessons on Time
संस्कृतम् | संस्कृतम् | English | English | ಕನ್ನಡ | ಕನ್ನಡ |
१ | एकम् | 1 | One | ೧ | ಒಂದು |
२ | द्वे | 2 | Two | ೨ | ಎರೆಡು |
३ | त्रीणि | 3 | Three | ೩ | ಮೂರು |
४ | चत्वारि | 4 | Four | ೪ | ನಾಲ್ಕು |
५ | पञ्च | 5 | Five | ೫ | ಐದು |
६ | षट् | 6 | Six | ೬ | ಆರು |
७ | सप्त | 7 | Seven | ೭ | ಏಳು |
८ | अष्ट | 8 | Eight | ೮ | ಎಂಟು |
९ | नव | 9 | Nine | ೯ | ಒಂಬತ್ತು |
१० | दश | 10 | Ten | ೧೦ | ಹತ್ತು |
११ | एकादश | 11 | Eleven | ೧೧ | ಹನ್ನೊಂದು |
१२ | द्वादश | 12 | Twelve | ೧೨ | ಹನ್ನೆರೆಡು |
१/४ | पाद | 1/4 | Quarter | ೧/೪ | ಕಾಲು |
१/२ | अर्ध | 1/2 | Half | ೧/೨ | ಅರ್ಧ |
३/४ | 3/4 | ೩/೪ | ಮುಕ್ಕಾಲು |
संस्कृतम् | संस्कृतम् | English | English | ಕನ್ನಡ | ಕನ್ನಡ |
१ | एकवादनम् | 1 | One o'clock | ೧ | ಒಂದು ಗಂಟೆ |
२ | द्विवादनम् | 2 | Two o'clock | ೨ | ಎರೆಡು ಗಂಟೆ |
३ | त्रिवादनम् | 3 | Three o'clock | ೩ | ಮೂರು ಗಂಟೆ |
४ | चतुर्वादनम् | 4 | Four o'clock | ೪ | ನಾಲ್ಕು ಗಂಟೆ |
५ | पञ्चवादनम् | 5 | Five o'clock | ೫ | ಐದು ಗಂಟೆ |
६ | षड्वादनम् | 6 | Six o'clock | ೬ | ಆರು ಗಂಟೆ |
७ | सप्तवादनम् | 7 | Seven o'clock | ೭ | ಏಳು ಗಂಟೆ |
८ | अष्टवादनम् | 8 | Eight o'clock | ೮ | ಎಂಟು ಗಂಟೆ |
९ | नववादनम् | 9 | Nine o'clock | ೯ | ಒಂಬತ್ತು ಗಂಟೆ |
१० | दशवादनम् | 10 | Ten o'clock | ೧೦ | ಹತ್ತು ಗಂಟೆ |
११ | एकादशवादनम् | 11 | Eleven o'clock | ೧೧ | ಹನ್ನೊಂದು ಗಂಟೆ |
१२ | द्वादशवादनम् | 12 | Twelve o'clock | ೧೨ | ಹನ್ನೆರೆಡು ಗಂಟೆ |
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द्वादशवादनम् Twelve o’clock ಹನ್ನೆರಡು ಗಂಟೆ |
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सपाद – द्वादशवादनम् Quarter past twelve ಹನ್ನೆರಡು ಕಾಲು |
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सार्ध – द्वादशवादनम् Half past twelve ಹನ್ನೆರಡುವರೆ |
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पदोन - एकादशवादनम् Quarter to one ಹನ್ನೆರಡು ಮುಕ್ಕಾಲು |
Jun 22, 2014
They shared what they had
So how do I start...? I want to write about parents, about mummy and daddy. Words are weak to put my emotions. And my limitations to put the words in the appropriate positions. With this limited prop of literature and my knowledge trying to touch that unlimited love of parents.
I have not seen God whom I have been worshiping. How can I love the one whom I have not seen? How can I be a true devotee? But I perform all of these. It was mere an act or a drama to impress that almighty. The plan is to escape the hell and to enjoy the heaven out of his mercy (if He is existing I suppose). So there is the love and respect towards God with the hidden agenda.
The devotion was always give and take if I could watch myself in the deeper dimensions. But love of my parents is one dimensional there is no expectation. A mother loves her kid whether or not he is handicap, bed ridden, or a genius. She still loves when the same kid grows up and kicks her out of home. She just loves her kid, it is true with the father (he may not show outside!). A child is the part of the mother when residing in the womb. Like the lamp lights the other lamp; so is the life comes out and takes the first breath. Hence child is her own self (Mother) and his own self (Father). “A child is said to be the third birth of his father, first was the grandfather” (Aithareya Upanishad). So it is one life (consciousness) lighted all the lamps (bodies). How can I not love my own self present everywhere? So that is how the parent’s unconditional love by seeing them self in their child.
God can be loved, respected when it is our own self (Pure consciousness without ego), one can love that Spirit unconditionally when it is seen as parents (Mother/Father) or as himself. I think I wrote more about God, I just wanted to write that if at all we think like our parents are investing in us, by providing education, heath etc., so that one day they reap back. If you think so then it’s false. It is their gratitude for their parents (your grand’s) for what they had done on them. Your salaries are is just for you, your parents share a very less span of their life with you (relative to your life time). They make you grow stronger, independent, they share what they have, and they weep for what they could not offer for you.
I have not seen God whom I have been worshiping. How can I love the one whom I have not seen? How can I be a true devotee? But I perform all of these. It was mere an act or a drama to impress that almighty. The plan is to escape the hell and to enjoy the heaven out of his mercy (if He is existing I suppose). So there is the love and respect towards God with the hidden agenda.
The devotion was always give and take if I could watch myself in the deeper dimensions. But love of my parents is one dimensional there is no expectation. A mother loves her kid whether or not he is handicap, bed ridden, or a genius. She still loves when the same kid grows up and kicks her out of home. She just loves her kid, it is true with the father (he may not show outside!). A child is the part of the mother when residing in the womb. Like the lamp lights the other lamp; so is the life comes out and takes the first breath. Hence child is her own self (Mother) and his own self (Father). “A child is said to be the third birth of his father, first was the grandfather” (Aithareya Upanishad). So it is one life (consciousness) lighted all the lamps (bodies). How can I not love my own self present everywhere? So that is how the parent’s unconditional love by seeing them self in their child.
God can be loved, respected when it is our own self (Pure consciousness without ego), one can love that Spirit unconditionally when it is seen as parents (Mother/Father) or as himself. I think I wrote more about God, I just wanted to write that if at all we think like our parents are investing in us, by providing education, heath etc., so that one day they reap back. If you think so then it’s false. It is their gratitude for their parents (your grand’s) for what they had done on them. Your salaries are is just for you, your parents share a very less span of their life with you (relative to your life time). They make you grow stronger, independent, they share what they have, and they weep for what they could not offer for you.
Jun 13, 2014
Why I chose to be an engineer?
Ever since I started my education I started losing my creativity, this is very true for most of us and if I am not wrong; for all of us. A child is said to be born scientist, child is a unique gift of nature. No two children are alike. To live in this world the child has to learn worldly things, some of it; not all of it. Hunting is unnecessary for an elephant but essential for a tiger. History has nothing to do with the banker or math with a singer. Why should an individual waste his entire life learning everything and knowing nothing?
There was no satisfactory answer for the above question as per my knowledge. My inner voice was always telling me not to experiment with the life and to spoil the very essence of living. I saw the theories which I just finished studying at my lower grade has changed. Those shit forced in our memory was proven wrong. This is what happening with science so called physics, chemistry. It was not like introducing the theories, or concepts and made us to think, but more likely mug up and vomit over the exam paper. Mathematics was little better when it compared to other subjects but due to lack of tutors motivations, applications in real life mathematics was also no better.
With all the permutations and combinations I made to very clear that I would take up engineering. So that I stick to one direction, end of the day I will have mastery over a subject. And you know it will make you earn piece of bread very easily, quickly. At the most one can say proudly that he is independent of his or her parent’s hard currency. With my thoughts, and knowledge I felt engineering on your passion is the only solution for the problem. And education is not just the storage of knowledge, which even the hard disc can do but the creativity of making that hard disc. One can acquire knowledge at any time in their life by reading books, talking to people, visiting places so many ways and there is always a choice. But not when it enforced on a child and graded on those parameters.
There was no satisfactory answer for the above question as per my knowledge. My inner voice was always telling me not to experiment with the life and to spoil the very essence of living. I saw the theories which I just finished studying at my lower grade has changed. Those shit forced in our memory was proven wrong. This is what happening with science so called physics, chemistry. It was not like introducing the theories, or concepts and made us to think, but more likely mug up and vomit over the exam paper. Mathematics was little better when it compared to other subjects but due to lack of tutors motivations, applications in real life mathematics was also no better.
With all the permutations and combinations I made to very clear that I would take up engineering. So that I stick to one direction, end of the day I will have mastery over a subject. And you know it will make you earn piece of bread very easily, quickly. At the most one can say proudly that he is independent of his or her parent’s hard currency. With my thoughts, and knowledge I felt engineering on your passion is the only solution for the problem. And education is not just the storage of knowledge, which even the hard disc can do but the creativity of making that hard disc. One can acquire knowledge at any time in their life by reading books, talking to people, visiting places so many ways and there is always a choice. But not when it enforced on a child and graded on those parameters.
Jun 12, 2014
A delayed train
A girl was travelling from Manchester to London and she had to wait for a train, she did not sit cursing the authorities or her bad luck. But started following an idea which just flashed in her mind, the idea of writing an amazing novel. Yes, I am taking about J K Rowling and her Harry Potter.
“I was travelling back to London on my own on a crowded train, and the idea for Harry Potter simply fell into my head. I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. To my immense frustration, I didn't have a pen that worked, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one… I did not have a functioning pen with me, but I do think that this was probably a good thing. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, while all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who didn't know he was a wizard became more and more real to me. Perhaps, if I had slowed down the ideas to capture them on paper, I might have stifled some of them (although sometimes I do wonder, idly, how much of what I imagined on that journey I had forgotten by the time I actually got my hands on a pen). I began to write 'Philosopher's Stone' that very evening, although those first few pages bear no resemblance to anything in the finished book.”
The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until Rowling finished the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997).
Never the less Rowling followed her passion and brought those dream character come alive. The Harry Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies. They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films which became the highest-grossing film series in history.
“I was travelling back to London on my own on a crowded train, and the idea for Harry Potter simply fell into my head. I had been writing almost continuously since the age of six but I had never been so excited about an idea before. To my immense frustration, I didn't have a pen that worked, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one… I did not have a functioning pen with me, but I do think that this was probably a good thing. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, while all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who didn't know he was a wizard became more and more real to me. Perhaps, if I had slowed down the ideas to capture them on paper, I might have stifled some of them (although sometimes I do wonder, idly, how much of what I imagined on that journey I had forgotten by the time I actually got my hands on a pen). I began to write 'Philosopher's Stone' that very evening, although those first few pages bear no resemblance to anything in the finished book.”
The seven-year period that followed saw the death of her mother, divorce from her first husband and relative poverty until Rowling finished the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997).
Never the less Rowling followed her passion and brought those dream character come alive. The Harry Potter books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and sold more than 400 million copies. They have become the best-selling book series in history and been the basis for a series of films which became the highest-grossing film series in history.
Jun 11, 2014
The perfect day!
That perfect body which I want will not manifest.
That perfect situation is not yet set.
Let me kick that perfection out of my mind.
The life is rolling ever changing.
Time is running things are changing.
Let me take up my passion.
Let me live that passion.
Life has come once there is no second chance.
Let me not miss this chance.
Let me begin the journey of perfection.
With this imperfection.
Now is the time here is the life.
I am getting up and taking up.
What are you waiting for?
That rain will not stop,
Come out get wet fear not for the cold.
This is given to you take up.
Now is the time perfect time.
Jun 9, 2014
Now is the only time! to love them, to live with them
We do not realize the things until it is lost.
The importance and the value of a thing or a person is always never thought.
Something which was with us for a very long time and we have just lost it will not come back to hear your thanks.
Do not hurt a person who is your friend or an enemy.
When you want to appreciate, show love, or give gratitude, never think of tomorrow which may not come.
Today is the only day, now is the only time.
Love everybody serve everybody.
Say thanks to that higher intelligence for giving health and a smile on the faces of your loved once. Live every moment at your best.
The importance and the value of a thing or a person is always never thought.
Something which was with us for a very long time and we have just lost it will not come back to hear your thanks.
Do not hurt a person who is your friend or an enemy.
When you want to appreciate, show love, or give gratitude, never think of tomorrow which may not come.
Today is the only day, now is the only time.
Love everybody serve everybody.
Say thanks to that higher intelligence for giving health and a smile on the faces of your loved once. Live every moment at your best.
The 10 reasons why cycling always fascinates me!
1. I love cycling because I love life, life becomes healthy as you pedal forward.
2. A cyclist has lot of life and energy.
3. As I move on I leave the past behind, I leave all the
ropes tied around me and meet with the strange life outside spread across the
4. Cycle is always environmental friendly it harms none, today
our mother earth needs our help.
5. Cycle is always simple and reachable to everyone, equality
is achieved among the human.
6. Cycling in the rain, chasing the wind is always fun.
7. It is the journey which inspires not the destination.
8. Why I love cycle has no reason, the cycle itself is the
reason I just love it.
9. Cycling has the philosophy, a meaning in it, it is the
way of life.
10. So simple so energized, like a kid and liked by the kids
cycle opens the new life new possibilities.
Why wasting time... take up the cycling journey across the world
today is the perfect day there is no tomorrow...
Jun 1, 2014
Time to move on.
As I walked the strange path met many lives.
From the street dogs to the men and women,
Life is life; pain hurts everybody;
Hungry, lust and thrust,
found everywhere,
Many lives came close and lived with me
They were once my family,
Friendship, love respect and gratitude has come
Not with the religious or linguistic boundary but with the
life itself.
It is hard to leave the trail behind and to say good bye to
When the call comes everybody has to leave.
May be to leave the place or to leave the life itself.
Let there be no attachment,
Life had no attachment when it started in the womb.
Let us remain free let us watch the passer by
Let us live the life at its fullness,
Let us witness let us be free.
ಛಾಯಾ ಚಿತ್ರ
ಅಂದೊಂದು ಮದುವೆಯಲಿ
ನಿಂತು ತೆಗೆಸಿದ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ಅಜ್ಜಿ ತಾತರು ಮಾವ ನೆಂಟರು
ಇನ್ನು ಅನೇಕರು;
ಮದ್ಯ ತಾ ನುಸುಳಿ ನಕ್ಕೊಡನೆ
ತೆಗೆದ ಚಿತ್ರ ನಗುತಲಿದೆ ಸದಾ;
ಮಾಡಿನಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಕ್ಕಿದ್ದ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹರಿದಿದೆ ಬಣ್ಣ ಕದಡಿದೆ
ಆದರೂ ನಗುತಿದೆ ಹಾಗೇ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ;
ಮೆಲುಕಿದರು ನೆನಪುಗಳ
ಸಿಗಲಿಲ್ಲ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ನೋಡಲೆಂದರೆ ಅವರು ಇರುವರೇ ಹತ್ರ;
ಕಾಲ ಗತಿಸಿದೆ ದೇಹ ಕ್ಷೀಣಿಸಿದೆ
ನೆನಪುಗಳು ಮಬ್ಬಾಗಿದೆ;
ಆದರೂ ಚಿತ್ರ ನಗುತಿದೆ;
ತಾತ ಅಜ್ಜಿಯ ಮುಖವು ಅರಳಿದೆ.
ಅಂದೊಂದು ಮದುವೆಯಲಿ ನಿಂತು ತೆಗೆಸಿದ ಚಿತ್ರ
ನಿಂತು ತೆಗೆಸಿದ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ಅಜ್ಜಿ ತಾತರು ಮಾವ ನೆಂಟರು
ಇನ್ನು ಅನೇಕರು;
ಮದ್ಯ ತಾ ನುಸುಳಿ ನಕ್ಕೊಡನೆ
ತೆಗೆದ ಚಿತ್ರ ನಗುತಲಿದೆ ಸದಾ;
ಮಾಡಿನಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಕ್ಕಿದ್ದ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಹರಿದಿದೆ ಬಣ್ಣ ಕದಡಿದೆ
ಆದರೂ ನಗುತಿದೆ ಹಾಗೇ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ;
ಮೆಲುಕಿದರು ನೆನಪುಗಳ
ಸಿಗಲಿಲ್ಲ ಚಿತ್ರ;
ನೋಡಲೆಂದರೆ ಅವರು ಇರುವರೇ ಹತ್ರ;
ಕಾಲ ಗತಿಸಿದೆ ದೇಹ ಕ್ಷೀಣಿಸಿದೆ
ನೆನಪುಗಳು ಮಬ್ಬಾಗಿದೆ;
ಆದರೂ ಚಿತ್ರ ನಗುತಿದೆ;
ತಾತ ಅಜ್ಜಿಯ ಮುಖವು ಅರಳಿದೆ.
ಅಂದೊಂದು ಮದುವೆಯಲಿ ನಿಂತು ತೆಗೆಸಿದ ಚಿತ್ರ
ಚಿತೆ ಸೌದೆ
ಯಾರದೊ ಕೈ ಜಾರಿ ಬಿದ್ದ ಅರೆಬೆಂನ್ದ ಗಾಳಒಂದು
ಉರಿ ಬಿಸಿಲಲಿ ದಾರಿ ಬದಿಯಲಿ
ಮಳೆ ನೀರಲಿ ಬದುಕಿ ಬಂದು
ಮರವಾಗಿ ಬೆಳೆದಿತ್ತು ಗಗನ ತಾಕುವಂತಿತ್ತು
ಕೊಂಬೆಗಳ ಮೆಲಲ್ಲಿ ಹಕ್ಕಿ ಗೂಡುಗಳಿತ್ತು
ಸುಡು ಬಿಸಿಲಲಿ ತಾ ನಿಂತು ಇಳೆಗೆ ತಂಪನು ಕಾಯ್ದು
ಹಲಸು ತಾ ನಿತ್ತು
ಹಸಿದ ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಯ ಮುನಿಸು ತೀರಿಸುತಿತ್ತು
ಊರ ದನಗಳು ಬರದೆ ಹೊಗವು ಬುಡಕೆ
ಹಣ್ಣು ಹಲಸಿನ ಗಮಕೆ
ಶಾಲೆ ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಮನೆಗೆ ಸೇರುವದೆಂತು
ಮರಕೋತಿಯಾಟ ಮುಗಿಯದೆ ಕತ್ತಲೆ ಕವಿಯದೆ
ಹೀಗೆ ಕಳೆದಿದೆ ಕಾಲ ಸಾಗಿತ್ತು ಬದುಕು
ಊರ ದಣಿಗಳ ಮನೆಯ ಮೂಲೆ ಪಕಾಸಿಗೆಂದು
ಮಾರಮ್ಮನ ಗುಡಿಯ ಬಾಗಿಲಿಗೆಂನ್ದು
ಹೀಗೆ ರೆಂಬೆ ಕೊಂಬೆಗಳೆಲ್ಲ ಮಾಯವಗಿ
ಕೈಗಳಿಲ್ಲದ ಹಲಸಮ್ಮ ಮಂನ್ಡುಮರವಗಿದೆ
ಪೇಟೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಲಸಿನ ಮರಕೆ ಬಾರಿ ಬೇಡಿಕೆಯಂತೆ
ಇದ ತಿಳಿದು ಸುಮ್ಮನಿರುವರೆ ಜನ
ರಾತ್ರೊ ರಾತ್ರಿ ಕಡಿದು ಸಾಗಿಸಿಯಾಗಿದೆ ಮರವ
ಸೂರ್ಯ ಮೂಡಿದರು ಕಿವಿಗೆ ಕೇಳಿದಸುವಂತಿದೆ
ಕೊಡಲಿ ಏಟಿನ ದ್ವನಿಯು
ಆದರೇನು ಅದೊ ಅಲ್ಲಿ
ಪಟ್ಟಣದ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳ ಹರಿತ ಹಲ್ಲಿಗೆ
ಕೊಟ್ಟಗಿದೆ ಅವಳ ದೇಹವ
ಉಳಿದ ಭೇರುಗಳ ತಲೆದಿಂಬು ತಾಮಾದಡಿ
ಬುಡವ ಆಶ್ರಯಿಸಿ ಮಲಗಿರುವನೋರ್ವ ಮುದಿಯ
ಹಲವು ವರ್ಶಗಳ ನಂತರ
ದೇಶ ವಿದೇಶಗಳ ತಿರುಗಿ ವಿಲಾಸ ಜೀವನವ ಮುಗಿಸಿ
ಇಂದು ರೋಗಿಯಾಗಿ ಜಿಗುಪ್ಸೆಗೊನ್ಡ ತನ್ನ ಮನಕೆ
ಬಾಲ್ಯದ ಯೋಚನೆಗಳು ಬಂನ್ದೊಡನೆ ನೆನಪಯಿತು
ಇದೆ ಮರವಲ್ಲವೆ ಮರಕೋತಿ ಯಾಟದ್ದು
ಪಾಪ ಅವಗೇನು ಗೋತ್ತು ಮುಂನ್ದೆ ಅದೇ ಬುಡವು
ತನ್ನ ಚಿತೆಗೆ ಸೌದಿ ಆಗುವುದೆಂನ್ದು
ಉರಿ ಬಿಸಿಲಲಿ ದಾರಿ ಬದಿಯಲಿ
ಮಳೆ ನೀರಲಿ ಬದುಕಿ ಬಂದು
ಮರವಾಗಿ ಬೆಳೆದಿತ್ತು ಗಗನ ತಾಕುವಂತಿತ್ತು
ಕೊಂಬೆಗಳ ಮೆಲಲ್ಲಿ ಹಕ್ಕಿ ಗೂಡುಗಳಿತ್ತು
ಸುಡು ಬಿಸಿಲಲಿ ತಾ ನಿಂತು ಇಳೆಗೆ ತಂಪನು ಕಾಯ್ದು
ಹಲಸು ತಾ ನಿತ್ತು
ಹಸಿದ ಹೊಟ್ಟೆಯ ಮುನಿಸು ತೀರಿಸುತಿತ್ತು
ಊರ ದನಗಳು ಬರದೆ ಹೊಗವು ಬುಡಕೆ
ಹಣ್ಣು ಹಲಸಿನ ಗಮಕೆ
ಶಾಲೆ ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಮನೆಗೆ ಸೇರುವದೆಂತು
ಮರಕೋತಿಯಾಟ ಮುಗಿಯದೆ ಕತ್ತಲೆ ಕವಿಯದೆ
ಹೀಗೆ ಕಳೆದಿದೆ ಕಾಲ ಸಾಗಿತ್ತು ಬದುಕು
ಊರ ದಣಿಗಳ ಮನೆಯ ಮೂಲೆ ಪಕಾಸಿಗೆಂದು
ಮಾರಮ್ಮನ ಗುಡಿಯ ಬಾಗಿಲಿಗೆಂನ್ದು
ಹೀಗೆ ರೆಂಬೆ ಕೊಂಬೆಗಳೆಲ್ಲ ಮಾಯವಗಿ
ಕೈಗಳಿಲ್ಲದ ಹಲಸಮ್ಮ ಮಂನ್ಡುಮರವಗಿದೆ
ಪೇಟೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಲಸಿನ ಮರಕೆ ಬಾರಿ ಬೇಡಿಕೆಯಂತೆ
ಇದ ತಿಳಿದು ಸುಮ್ಮನಿರುವರೆ ಜನ
ರಾತ್ರೊ ರಾತ್ರಿ ಕಡಿದು ಸಾಗಿಸಿಯಾಗಿದೆ ಮರವ
ಸೂರ್ಯ ಮೂಡಿದರು ಕಿವಿಗೆ ಕೇಳಿದಸುವಂತಿದೆ
ಕೊಡಲಿ ಏಟಿನ ದ್ವನಿಯು
ಆದರೇನು ಅದೊ ಅಲ್ಲಿ
ಪಟ್ಟಣದ ಯಂತ್ರಗಳ ಹರಿತ ಹಲ್ಲಿಗೆ
ಕೊಟ್ಟಗಿದೆ ಅವಳ ದೇಹವ
ಉಳಿದ ಭೇರುಗಳ ತಲೆದಿಂಬು ತಾಮಾದಡಿ
ಬುಡವ ಆಶ್ರಯಿಸಿ ಮಲಗಿರುವನೋರ್ವ ಮುದಿಯ
ಹಲವು ವರ್ಶಗಳ ನಂತರ
ದೇಶ ವಿದೇಶಗಳ ತಿರುಗಿ ವಿಲಾಸ ಜೀವನವ ಮುಗಿಸಿ
ಇಂದು ರೋಗಿಯಾಗಿ ಜಿಗುಪ್ಸೆಗೊನ್ಡ ತನ್ನ ಮನಕೆ
ಬಾಲ್ಯದ ಯೋಚನೆಗಳು ಬಂನ್ದೊಡನೆ ನೆನಪಯಿತು
ಇದೆ ಮರವಲ್ಲವೆ ಮರಕೋತಿ ಯಾಟದ್ದು
ಪಾಪ ಅವಗೇನು ಗೋತ್ತು ಮುಂನ್ದೆ ಅದೇ ಬುಡವು
ತನ್ನ ಚಿತೆಗೆ ಸೌದಿ ಆಗುವುದೆಂನ್ದು
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